COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

Published by Tūtohi on

How is the COVID-19 Vaccination roll out going for tāngata whai ora in Aotearoa?

Tāngata whai ora are a priority group for the vaccination rollout. The risk of dying from COVID-19 may be up to twice as high for people with experience of mental health and addiction issues, and even higher for certain diagnoses.

The Ministry of Health released a snapshot of data on vaccination rates for people who have recently received mental health or addictions support. The data was shared in a spreadsheet. While the raw data helps tell a compelling and challenging story, that story is buried in the numbers.

Tūtohi have worked with Ministry of Health to use this data, combined with other sources, to create a series of data stories. These dynamic dashboards help lift the story out of the numbers and spreadsheets.

We hope that people will use them to carry this story forward and create change.

We would love your help to share this story.

We also want to analyse and share how things evolve over time. The opportunity to see improvement and highlight what is working could help lift vaccination rates across Aotearoa, for all tāngata whai ora.

The lessons learned could also help in other areas, such as cancer screening.

Equally Well have issued a call to all champions to reach out to tāngata whai ora.

You can also pick up the conversation at Te Whāriki o te Ara Oranga, the new knowledge network for innovators, influencers and leaders driving change in mental health and addiction services.