Whāriki Aka Hui on COVID-19

Published by Tūtohi on

Rongoā araimate urutā mā ngā tāngata whai ora Māori

Māori & COVID-19 vaccinations – the issues and solutions

With more than 140 registrations, last week’s Whāriki Aka Hui theme run by the team at Whāriki was clearly important to the sector. Rangatahi, tāngata whai ora, clinical experts and vaccination kaimahi explored the barriers and solutions to COVID-19 vaccination for Māori.

The key issues raised included:

  • Misinformation
  • Lack of trust in the health system
  • Division within whānau and communities

The solutions focused on “Trusted faces and places” and targeted, by-Māori-for-Māori designed and delivered vaccination approaches in marae, schools and homes for the whole whānau. Clinics offering walk-in appointments and targeted messages to communities through social media were discussed as key to creating trust and confidence for tāngata Māori to vaccinated.

A recording of the Aka Hui will be available at www.whariki-ao.nz soon.

Those that attended expressed a strong desire for more information and further hui. You can join a deeper dive into the issues and the solutions to inform providers at 1pm on Thursday 14th October. The focus will be on rangatahi and lived-experience.

You can register here for the hui.